Tobia Hamra is a two-kilometer-long reef located off Tobia Island. The reef features a maze of canyons and large coral gardens. Sheltered by Soma Bay, there’s hardly any current here.
Spotted eagle rays, sea turtles, barracudas, lionfish, Napoleon fish, anthias, clownfish, butterflyfish, yellowfin goatfish, surgeonfish, and sea perch are some of the marine animals you can expect to see here.
Average depth: 12 meters/40 feet
Average visibility: 15 meters/50 feet
Level: all divers
Entry: by boat from Soma
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Comentarios, fotos y especiesCentros de buceo cercanos
ORDENADOS POR DISTANCIA, EN UN RADIO DE 25 KMNo se han añadido imágenes para este punto de inmersión.
Añadir buceoVida marina
Especies encontradas por los buceadoresNo se ha añadido vida marina a este punto de inmersión.
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