Located on the biggest atoll in French Polynesia, Rengiroa, Tiputa Pass is home to hundreds of sharks - grey, white-tip, lemon, silky, black-tip, and even hammerhead sharks. These magnificent creatures can be seen by deep divers at depths of about 40 meters (131 feet).
Apart from sharks, divers can also spot barracudas, eagle rays, moray eels, manta rays, schools of barracudas, and turtles.
Because of the depth and strong currents, this dive site is suitable for advanced divers.
The visibility is good, 10 to 30 meters (33-98 feet).
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Comentarios, fotos y especiesCentros de buceo cercanos
ORDENADOS POR DISTANCIA, EN UN RADIO DE 25 KMNo se han añadido imágenes para este punto de inmersión.
Añadir buceoVida marina
Especies encontradas por los buceadoresNo se ha añadido vida marina a este punto de inmersión.
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