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The Elbow

Punto de inmersión en

Elbow Reef is a popular dive spot in Key Largo. The beautiful coral reefs - with stunning coral formations and various sea sponges, the shipwrecks, and the great underwater visibility are the main attractions of this area. There are also ledges that shelter numerous marine creatures.

The spot is available to divers of all levels. It has a maximum depth of 18 meters/60 feet and experiences mild to medium current. The water temperature ranges from 21° C/70° F in the winter to 29° C/85° F in the summer.

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David Nussear

may. 19, 2022
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David Nussear

may. 19, 2022
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David Nussear

may. 18, 2022
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David Nussear

may. 18, 2022
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Avatar de Taylor Duncan's

Taylor Duncan

abr. 29, 2021
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Avatar de Taylor Duncan's

Taylor Duncan

abr. 26, 2021
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ago. 5, 2018
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Jason Costakis

dic. 29, 2016
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