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The Canyons

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The Canyons is one of the best drift dives in Puerto Galera, but it is a strong one and is therefore recommended only to the advanced and experienced divers. In addition to the strong currents here, the maximum depth is of 30 meters, which is another characteristic divers need to take into account when planning to dive here.

The name of the dive site comes from the three underwater canyons which can be seen here.

The Canyons has extremely healthy corals, due to the nutrients brought by the currents, and these corals include both the soft and hard type, tree corals, barrels, staghorns.

The marine life here includes snappers, moray eels, wrasses, sweetlips, trevallies, batfish, scorpionfish and groupers, as well as the occasional sharks.

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Mark Spencer

feb 3, 2023
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Conan Fagan

abr 7, 2018
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ene 31, 2011
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