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Tarpon Bridge

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Tarpon Bridge is one of the most beautiful and popular dive sites in Curacao. It consists of a 7-meter/22-foot-tall arch that rises from a depth of 20 meters/66 feet. The impressive arch is overgrown with corals and sponges. As you may have figured out yourself, the site got its name because of the large population of tarpons in this area.

Note that Tarpon Bridge is located in rough seas and because of the strong currents, it is not always suitable for diving. Because of the conditions, the site is recommended for experienced divers.

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Andrew Boyd

ene 14, 2018
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Tarpon Bridge is only accessible from a boat. As this site is technically on the north side, conditions can be fairly rough. The site has two features to look for. The first is a nice large cave at about 40 feet ... Tarpon Bridge is only accessible from a boat. As this site is technically on the north side, conditions can be fairly rough. The site has two features to look for. The first is a nice large cave at about 40 feet and the second is a large natural bridge at about 60 feet. Typically a large school of tarpon hang out under the bridge. This site is best for experienced divers.

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