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Susanna, also known as Excalibur, is a wreck that sits close to Hurghada's harbour. It sank in the middle of the '90s after a supposed electrical fire.

The 22-meter-long ship stands in an upright position, with its bottom at 22 meters deep.

Due to the fact that the ship stands close enough to the harbour to be reached from the shore with a swim, the visibility at the wreck is affected and therefore divers need to bring a torch with them.

The doors of the salon offer an easy access to the ship's interior, and the ship can be dived by divers of all levels.

The marine life at Susanna includes corals, seagrass, lionfish, glassifhs, mackarels, batfish. If divers are lucky they can also spot dolphins and turtles, although these sightings are rather rare.

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