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Sinandigan Wall

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Sinandigan Wall dive site in Puerto Galera is a great multi-level dive with a huge diversity of marine life. The wall descends vertically from a depth of 10 meters (33 feet) and at about 30 meters (98 feet) it forms a slope. The maximum depth of the dive site is 40 meters (130 feet).

The wall is covered with sea fans, green tree corals, and numerous other soft corals. Dozens of species of nudibranchs call the corals their home and an abundance of species of fish can be seen here. Zebrafish, lizardfish, Moorish idols, lionfish, surgeonfish, and stonefish are some of the common encounters at Sinandigan Wall.

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Mark Spencer

feb 3, 2023
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Conan Fagan

abr 2, 2018
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