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Sea Grass / Grassland

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Grassland, or Sea Grass, is a dive site located not far from the Sabang Wrecks. This spot is known as a great place to find interesting critters such as cockatoo waspfish, emperor shrimps, and hairy frogfish. Flying gurnards, Pegasus sea moths, sea cucumbers, scorpionfish, finger dragonets, moray eels, and octopus also make for great photography subjects.

Visibility is good, but it doesn’t typically exceed 10 meters. Grassland is accessible from the shore and has an average depth of about 10 meters/33 feet and a maximum depth of about 20 meters/66 feet, making it suitable for divers of all levels, especially considering the low current. 

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Mark Spencer

feb 3, 2023
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Conan Fagan

mar 22, 2018
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