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Reqqa Point

Punto de inmersión en

Reqqa Point is the most northerly point of Gozo and is one of the most interesting dive sites on the island from the perspective of its topography. The vertical walls here have numerous fissures and crevices, which can always offer the surprise of sheltering interesting critters.

The sandy bottom at Reqqa Point is at 25 meters deep, therefore this dive site is recommended to the divers who have at least intermediate certification.

The excellent visibility here allows the divers to observe rays, nudibranchs, groupers, lobsters, damselfish and barracudas, as well as shrimps, scorpionfish and octopus.

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James Round

ago. 18, 2023
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may. 26, 2021
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Avatar de Mark Gosling's

Mark Gosling

jul. 21, 2010
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