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Ras Za'atar

Punto de inmersión en

Ras Za'atar is a wall, cave, and cavern dive that’s home to marine creatures of all shapes and sizes. Sharks, eagle rays, turtles, barracudas, and jacks are commonly seen cruising by.

The wall is filled with cracks and fissures, and even some large caves. Between 15 meters/50 feet and the surface is a large chimney that is full of soft coral and glass sweepers. Deeper along the wall you can find black coral trees and lots of longnose hawkfish.

With an average depth of 15 meters, this site is suitable for all divers. Access is done by boat.

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Comentarios, fotos y especies

Luis Branco

jul. 1, 2010
Marine Life image


ago. 1, 2009
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Avatar de José Cabral's

José Cabral

sept. 5, 2004
Marine Life image 1
Avatar de Anes Giancarlo's

Anes Giancarlo

nov. 2, 1999
Marine Life image

Vida marina

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