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Porto Marie (The Valley)

Punto de inmersión en

Porto Marie is one of the most popular dive sites in Curacao. It is a double reef separated by a stretch of sand. You can make two different dives depending on what you want to see; each of the reefs offers something different to see.

This dive site can get crowded because it is also a renowned snorkeling spot, especially around the “reef ball” clusters.

Marine life: Eagle rays, nurse sharks, and sea turtles are among the most interesting creatures you can see here.

Depth: 20 - 25 meters/65-82 feet

Visibility: 30 meters/100 feet

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Wesley Vercaigne

jul 21, 2020
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met fred broer
Avatar de Megan Koren's

Megan Koren

jun 5, 2013
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Greg Dietz

ago 10, 2009
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