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Pedra Do Leao

Punto de inmersión en

Pedra Do Leao dive site is a sheltered dive site with a shallow depth of only 4 to 13 meters/13-42 feet. This easy dive is suitable for all divers, including newbies. It is often done as a second dive. Good spot for snorkeling too. Visibility is somewhere between 15 and 25 meters/50-82 feet.

Moray eels, trumpetfish, dogfish, porkfish sweetlips, sea bream, barracudas, and rays are just some of the sea creatures you can expect to see here. Soft corals, sea anemones, and nudibranchs inhabit the rocky formations. 

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Avatar de Pedro Duro's

Pedro Duro

jul. 15, 2023
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Enzo Duranton

oct. 28, 2021
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Jérôme Foulon

abr. 2, 2019
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Avatar de Paulo Matias's

Paulo Matias

jul. 28, 2018
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Avatar de José Cabral's

José Cabral

mar. 22, 1987
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