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Palancar Bricks

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Palancar Bricks is an intermediate to advanced level dive site in Cozumel, Mexico. It’s a great drift dive with huge reef formations and great visibility that can exceed 30 meters/98 feet.

It features a number of swim-throughs teeming with marine life. The white sandy bottom found at a depth of about 30 meters creates a nice contrast with the blue abyss, making Palancar Bricks an excellent spot for underwater photography.

Common encounters at Palancar Bricks dive site are damselfish, groupers, bar jacks, and sea turtles, you can also spot nurse sharks, green morays, barracudas, hawkfish, and trumpetfish every now and then.

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Brett M. Winslow

jun. 13, 2018
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Marcos Hirsch

ago. 22, 2008
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