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P31 Patrol Boat

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The P31 patrol boat is a wreck dive which can be perfectly done by divers of all levels.

P31 currently lies in an upright position, on a sandy bottom, at a depth of 21 meters and with the top part at a depth of 7 meters.

The patrol boat had been launched in 1968 and was purchased by Malta in 1992. After years of serving as a patrol boat for the coast guard, it was decommissioned in 2004 and sunk in 2009, with the purpose of making it an attraction for divers.

Before being sunk, P31 was cleared of all potential hazards, so divers can now safely penetrate the wreck.

The 52-meter-long and 7-meter-wide wreck has meanwhile become an attraction for a lot of aquatic life, such as amberjacks, stingrays, nudibrancs, damselfish and seabreams.

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