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Mv Imperial Eagle

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MV Imperial Eagle is a 45-meter-long wreck which was scuttled in 1999 and currently lies at an average depth of 32 meters. Her depth therefore makes the wreck available only to the advanced and experienced divers.

The ship had been first launched to water in 1938 and was sold to the Maltese diving community in 1995. The wreck can be safely penetrated at the moment.

Besides the MV Imperial Eagle, which sits in an upright position and is in good condition, divers can also enjoy the sight of a statue of Christ some 30 meters away from the bow of the ship, at a depth of 25 meters.

The fish which can be spotted around the wreck include amberjacks, triggerfish, barracudas. There are also several species of corals which have meanwhile grown on the wreck.

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jun 27, 2012
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