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Loh Samah

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Loh Samah Bay is a dive site located on the east side of Phi Phi Ley. Divers can go as far down as 25 meters/82, but there’s no need to. The most interesting feature of the site is the narrow canyon at a depth of 15 meters/50 feet. The canyon is lined with colorful soft corals, gorgonians, and sea whips. It’s also a great place to spot sea turtles.

There’s also a small islet; its walls are covered with clams and soft corals, and hard corals. The depth here is 8 meters/26 feet to 20+ meters/66 feet.

Loh Samah Bay is popular for night dives. During the night, the wall seems to sparkle due to the eyes of the millions of shrimps inhabiting it.

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