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Lighter X127

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The X127 dive site is one of the many wreck dives around the islands of Malta. This British ‎X-type landing lighter was built in 1915 to be used in World War I and was sunk on 6th March 1942. The damage can be seen on its stern. The wreck now rests in the Marsamxett harbor off Manoel Island, where it is also known as the Carolita or Coralita.

The water lighter is almost intact, with its stern located at a depth of 22 meters (7 feet) while the bow is in just 5 meters (16 feet) of water. It lies in a sheltered area, so divers can always visit this wreck when the winds cause unfavorable conditions at other dive sites.

Marine life includes the common octopus, damselfish, crab, dusky grouper.

The HMS X127 is one of the few shallow wreck dive sites that are accessible to divers of all certifications, including PADI OWD or equivalent. However, good buoyancy is required as to not stir up the silt on the wreck or the seafloor. The wreck is unstable, and penetration is not recommended. Visibility is usually poor. 

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Tomek Wata

abr 27, 2023
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Stefan Radenkovic

nov 10, 2019
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Arky Che

jun 29, 2018
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Maciej Kwiatkowski

sept 21, 2015
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Robert Palmer

feb 18, 1995
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