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Marine Life
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Lady Luck

Punto de inmersión en

Lady Luck is a 98-meter-/324-foot-long tanker vessel that was sunk in 2016 to create an artificial reef. It is Iocated off Pompano Beach, Florida, rising from a depth of 40 meters/131 feet, with its deck at 32 meters/105 feet.

Penetration is possible, and divers can explore 16 staterooms, the engine room, the captain’s deck, and the tanker holding bays. The main deck is used for underwater art exhibits.

On and around the ship you can also spot many marine animals such as Goliath groupers, barracudas, sea turtles, dolphins, whale sharks, and other sharks.

The current can become very strong. This and the depth make it an advanced level dive. Penetration is only permitted for certified wreck divers.

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Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis  el nov 10, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 10, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis  el nov 10, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 10, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis  el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023 Foto tomada en Lady Luck. Subida por Gary Davis el nov 2, 2023

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Avatar de Gary Davis 's

Gary Davis

oct 31, 2023
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Avatar de Gary Davis 's

Gary Davis

oct 30, 2023
Marine Life image 2


oct 29, 2022
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Avatar de Pablo Strika's

Pablo Strika

oct 30, 2021
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Greg Dietz

abr 17, 2017
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