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La Vaca

Punto de inmersión en

La Vaca is a dive site located in the Meda Gran. It consists of a large tunnel that crosses the island in the Punta Galera side. There are three entrances to the main tunnel. Once inside, you’ll find an amazing underwater scenery dominated by coral.

Gorgonians, bryozoans, red coral, sponges, and nudibranchs reside inside the tunnel. On the north face of it, you’ll see walls covered with red gorgonians. In this region, the depth reaches 45 meters/148 feet or more. Nitrox 32% is recommended to enjoy everything this dive has to offer.

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Avatar de Gustavo G Sainato's

Gustavo G Sainato

jul 12, 2017
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Avatar de José Cabral's

José Cabral

jun 17, 1991
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Avatar de José Cabral's

José Cabral

jun 25, 1990
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