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Koh Waeo

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Koh Waeo dive site consists of two small islands which can be dived by going around each island or by exploring the channel between them. The spot is located off the coast of Hat Nai Yang Beach, Phuket. The reef is healthy and contains a number of both soft and hard corals, including gorgonians, whip coral, barrel sponges, and sea fans.

Porcupinefish, barracudas, parrotfish, boxfish, anemone fish, sea turtles, sweetlips, batfish, angelfish, surgeonfish groupers, triggerfish, trumpetfish, octopus, and stingrays can be spotted here.

The depth at Koh Waeo dive site ranges from 4 meters/13 feet to 18 meters/59 feet, making this suitable for divers of all levels of experience. The spot is also popular among snorkelers. Visibility is around 10 meters/33 feet.

The best time to dive in Phuket is January to April. May to December is the rainy season and some days feature heavy rainfall during this time. 

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Robert Klein

abr 27, 2018
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