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Marine Life
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Ile Des Phoque

Punto de inmersión en

This name literally translates to Island of the seals and for good reason. The colony of Australian fur seals is locate on the SW side of the island and reaches a depth of 21m.

The seals are well acquainted with divers and will hit the water as soon as the boat anchors.

Travel time out to the Island from Triabunna is around an hour.

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Foto tomada en Ile Des Phoque. Subida por Mim Schulz el dic. 4, 2021 Foto tomada en Ile Des Phoque. Subida por Mim Schulz el dic. 4, 2021 Foto tomada en Ile Des Phoque. Subida por Mim Schulz el dic. 4, 2021 Foto tomada en Ile Des Phoque. Subida por Mim Schulz el dic. 4, 2021 Foto tomada en Ile Des Phoque. Subida por Mim Schulz el dic. 4, 2021 Foto tomada en Ile Des Phoque. Subida por Mim Schulz el dic. 4, 2021

Vida marina

Especies encontradas por los buceadores
1 Encuentros registrados

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Mim Schulz

nov. 21, 2021
Marine Life 1 image 3

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