Humber Bay, located south of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is a bay on Lake Ontario. It is situated between Ontario Place and Mimico Creek on the east side and Mimico Creek on the west side. The Humber Bay neighborhood in Etobicoke is named after the bay.
Part of a network of small peninsulas stretching out into Lake Ontario, Humber Bay Park West is a beautiful spot on the city's waterfront. The rocky beach is a very popular scuba diving site, especially with beginners. Trails behind the beach make for a good walking and bicycle route. This side of Humber Park is home to a few boating clubs and docks, which means it has slightly less green space than its Eastern counterpart.
Although a variety of recreational activities takes place in the water here, water quality at Humber Bay Park is currently unmonitored by the City of Toronto.
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ORDENADOS POR DISTANCIA, EN UN RADIO DE 25 KMNo se han añadido imágenes para este punto de inmersión.
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Especies encontradas por los buceadoresNo se ha añadido vida marina a este punto de inmersión.
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