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Home Run

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Home Run Reef is a dive site located off the east coast of Racha Yai Island. This is a popular last dive of the day and is made of mostly of hard corals such as staghorn, pore, and branch corals. The reef starts at a shallow depth of only 5 meters (16 feet) and slopes down to 20 meters (66 feet) where it ends in a sandy bottom.

This is a great spot for novice and is often used for the Open Water Diver course, although currents can get quite strong at times. It even has a small wooden wreck near the southern end of the reef, which is easy to miss if you don’t know the spot very well.

Marine life at Home Run is abundant in reef fish. Expect to see lots of triggerfish, butterflyfish, pufferfish, angelfish, trumpetfish, parrotfish, wrasses, snappers, lionfish, anemone fish, and moray eels. Sea snakes have also been spotted here.

Home Run Reef can be dived all year long.

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Avatar de Johan Lindskog's

Johan Lindskog

ene 21, 2008
Marine Life 5 image
My last dive for my open water certificate was done here with my Instructor Helge Roe. We had a good dive. We saw a lot of different spices of fish and got some current but it was a good dive.

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