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Hin Dot

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Hin Dot, also known as Chimney Rock, is a superb dive site located off Koh Phi Phi Island. It features three submerged pinnacles rising from a depth of 28 meters/90 feet to 16 meters/52 feet, 12 meters/40 feet, and 5 meters/16 feet respectively below the surface.

Marine life is diverse and abundant. You can find fish and other creatures of all shapes and sizes, from schools of jacks, snappers, and groupers to moray eels, Christmas tree worms, clams, and oysters to hard and soft corals and even giant clams. In the deeper parts, you can spot trevallies, barracudas, and nurse sharks.

Level: Advanced

Current: Mild to strong

Visibility 5 to 15 meters/16-50 feet

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nov 23, 2003
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