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Doljo Point

Punto de inmersión en

Doljo Point is a dive site located off Panglao Island. The spot is made of two walls on top of each other. The first wall drops to a maximum of 20 meters (65 feet) and can be dived by beginner Open Water divers while the other goes down to 50 meters (150 feet) and is recommended for advanced divers only.

Between the two walls, divers can admire numerous species of hard and soft coral. Giant sea fans, elephant ear corals, bucket sponges, and gorgonians make excellent photography subjects.

Marine life at Doljo’s Point is abundant and includes bucket-list animals like hammerhead sharks, whale sharks, and manta rays. Tunas, reef sharks, barracudas, angelfish, and other tropical reef fish can also be seen here.

Depth ranges between 8 and 35 meters (25-115 feet). Novice divers will be happy to hear that the best parts of the dive are found at shallow depth.

Visibility is good, reaching up to 20 meters (70 feet).

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Comentarios, fotos y especies

Michelly Martinez

sept. 6, 2022
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Michelly Martinez

sept. 6, 2022
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Rock Zhu

abr. 6, 2019
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Rock Zhu

abr. 6, 2019
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Avatar de Tatsuya Omori's

Tatsuya Omori

ago. 5, 2018
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Avatar de Tatsuya Omori's

Tatsuya Omori

ago. 5, 2018
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Avatar de Tatsuya Omori's

Tatsuya Omori

ago. 5, 2018
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Avatar de Tatsuya Omori's

Tatsuya Omori

jul. 8, 2018
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Avatar de Tatsuya Omori's

Tatsuya Omori

jun. 10, 2018
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Avatar de Tatsuya Omori's

Tatsuya Omori

jun. 10, 2018
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