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Critter Circus

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The Critter Circus is a must for macro photographers! Located half an hour west of the Murex Dive Resort Manado, it offers a variety of critters and reef fish.

The dive starts with a sandy slope covered in horned sea star and seagrass then turns into a small rocky wall at one end and a flat reef at the other end. If you turn right as the slope begins to drop, you’ll see a field of bottle brush corals and as you move forward, you’ll also spot yellow staghorn corals.

The site is popular for its pipefish, Black Harlequin ghostfishes, frogfish, leaf fish, mandarin fish, angelfish.

Critter Circus has depths of 10 to 30 meters/30-100 feet and is suitable for divers of all levels. Visibility is very good and ocean currents are not an issue. 

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Roberto Simeoni

may 18, 2016
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