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Charco Del Palo

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Charco Del Palo dive site is located near the village with the same name and near Mala in northern Lanzarote. The topography is defined by lava formations and sand plateaus. The abundance of marine life makes this a very popular spot among divers.

You can make two dives – one is deeper and the other is done as a second dive. The deeper dive goes down to 30-40 meters/100-130 feet, but it is most interesting at about 15 meters/50 feet or so where you can see the lava formations and caverns that host many sea creatures.

Some of the animals you can spot at Charco Del Palo include sea urchins, armored starfish, anemones, moray eels, angel sharks, rays, damselfish, cardinalfish, scorpionfish, Turkish wrasses, and more.

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Dennis Rabeling

jun 12, 2018
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