Chandelier Cave is a 5-chamber cave system located in the Malakal Harbour in Koror, Palau. The cave got its name because of its stalactites that resemble chandeliers. In the beginning, the cave system was an open-air cave above sea level, but as the water levels rose, the entrance to the cave was sealed and is now only accessible underwater. Four of Chandelier Cave’s chambers are underwater while the fifth is above sea level.
The highlights of the dive are the stalactites and stalagmites formations. Divers can also observe a halocline as they enter deeper into the caves. Marine life is not abundant, but several species inhabit these waters, including mandarin fish, cardinal fish, soldierfish, crabs, and shrimp. You can see them around the cave entrance.
Water visibility is excellent at Chandelier Cave as long as the bottom is undisturbed, and there is no current. It is, however, dark inside the caves and you need to bring a torch. Claustrophobic divers or those afraid of the dark may want to avoid this dive site.
The best season for diving is November through May, but diving is possible year-round. The average water temperature is about 27° C/80° F.