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Chamber Of Secrets

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Chamber of Secrets is a horseshoe-shaped dive site in Tofo, Mozambique, with a depth of 14-18 meters (46-59 feet). It features walls rising 6-8 meters (19-26 feet) from the bottom of the sea and a number of swim-throughs, crevices, and caves. These “chambers” provide shelter to marine species such as sea turtles, shrimps, lobsters, and reef fish.

The Chamber of Secrets dive site lies along the “Whale Shark Alley”, so it’s known as a hotspot for whale sharks. The site is also a nursery for the white-tip reef sharks, so there’s plenty of large pelagic action going on.

The diving conditions along the south-eastern coast of Africa can be unpredictable, and divers can experience various challenges like strong currents one day and calm seas the next. The visibility is also hard to predict and can range from poor to great.

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