Catheley H is an intriguing, partially intact cargo ship that lies 18 meters deep in the waters of Crocus Bay, near Sandy Island. She is 33 meters long and is made of steel, thus becoming over time a fantastic underwater environment that allows numerous species to thrive, including many types of fish, spiny lobsters and octopus, as well as various kinds of rays.
The ship has been lying at its underwater resting place since 1993, being deliberately sunk after having caught fire in late 1992. At the time it sank the ship was already 42 years old.
Últimos buceos
Comentarios, fotos y especiesCentros de buceo cercanos
ORDENADOS POR DISTANCIA, EN UN RADIO DE 25 KMNo se han añadido imágenes para este punto de inmersión.
Añadir buceoVida marina
Especies encontradas por los buceadoresNo se ha añadido vida marina a este punto de inmersión.
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