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Batangas Channel

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Batangas Channel site in Puerto Galera is a great drift dive when the tide is right. The channel slopes off gently to a sandy seabed. Given the shallow depth of the spot - only 15 meters/49 feet deep, it makes for a great introductory dive for novice scuba divers.

Marine life is abundant, with plenty of tropical species, including rare critters, to feast your eyes on. Anemonefish, yellowtail and cleaner wrasses, triggerfish, parrotfish, frogfish, nudibranchs, snappers, sweetlips, fusiliers, crocodile fish, blue-ribbon eels, stonefish, and scorpionfish can be spotted here. There are also here are many interesting coral and sponge formations, such as the beautiful pink barrel sponges.

With great visibility and overall good diving conditions, Batangas Channel is a perfect dive site for divers of all levels of experience. Underwater photographers will thoroughly enjoy the critters that hide among the coral and rocks.

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Conan Fagan

mar 20, 2018
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