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Baixo Danae

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Pedro Aguas

ago 17, 2014
Marine Life image
"This reef lies about 50 minutes from the hotel. Due to it being far out to sea and a double tank dive, it is reserved for more experienced divers. Baixo Danae is the name for the area and it has a selection ... "This reef lies about 50 minutes from the hotel. Due to it being far out to sea and a double tank dive, it is reserved for more experienced divers. Baixo Danae is the name for the area and it has a selection of dive sites. The distance from shore means that the sites are rarely dived and have remained wild and untouched. It provides spectacular dives and there are many overhangs, swim through’s, caves and gullies to explore. There are also two sunken ships called the “Boiler” and the “Wreck”. Very little is known about them and that makes the sites even more interesting to explore. The chance of seeing manta rays is very good and sharks, dolphins and turtles frequent the waters. There are mainly hard coral species that can withstand the currents and they provide shelter to many tropical fish. From August to October the waters are full of migrating whales and the odd orca has been spotted in the area. Definitely a place worth diving." Text from DIVESTYLE : http://www.divestyle.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=241:mozambique-inhaca-island&catid=7:international-travel&Itemid=19

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