DEN OSSE HAVEN Nederland, Zeeland Easy dive site Den Osse Haven is a nice, quiet dive site with abundant of marine life. The best diving is around and near the breakwater and across the shallow sandy bottom on the west of it. You'll spo sea lettuce, pipefish, starfish, shrimps and the occasional butterfish. North Sea crabs and lobsters hide among the basalt blocks. Shine with your lamp between the stones. Particulars Enter the water at Den Osse Haven at the end of the pier or at the small shell beach. If you enter the water from the beach, you'll first end up in shallow water with good visibility and a lot of marine life. Take your time to enjoy this. This shallow area is also a great snorkeling spot. Warnings Watch out for slippery stones when entering the water from the pier at Den Osse Haven. Don't park on the road side. Fines will be issued. Park only on the harbor platform. There may be professional fishing gear in this dive spot. Pleas don't toch!