Buceo en El Nido
Información general
Información de buceo

Cuándo visitarnos
Condiciones de inmersión
The average water temperature in El Nido varies between 24° and 26° C from December through March and between 26° and 29° C from April through November.
Tidal changes may sometimes create strong currents in some areas of El Nido, but there are always plenty of unaffected dive sites to explore.
The best visibility in El Nido can be experienced outside the rainy season (June through September) when it can go up to more than 30 meters (100+ feet). However, visibility may be affected by the plankton bloom during the high season (December through April).
Tipos de inmersión
South Miniloc
By far the most popular dive site in El Nido, South Miniloc is a beautiful reef located between the islands of Miniloc and Simizu. Thanks to the currents that carry fresh nutrients to the area, South Miniloc enjoys a variety of marine life, including schooling big-eye snappers, big barracudas, tuna, and mackerels.
Nat Nat
This is a popular afternoon dive and night dive. This fringing reef is considered a must for critter lovers and underwater photographers. Seahorses, nudibranchs, hermit crabs, catsharks, Spanish dancers, and yellow-tail barracudas are just some of the common encounters here.
North Rock
The place to go if you want to see pelagic life in El Nido, North Rock features a cleaning station where deep-sea fish come to get pampered by the cleaner wrasses. It has interesting topography, featuring a vast flat reef and a swim-through composed of large rocks. Divers can find healthy corals teeming with marine life of all sorts, including barracudas, pompano fish, big eye jacks, and golden jacks.
Dilumacad Tunnel
This 35-meter (115-foot) long tunnel is a unique dive site recommended for advanced divers. The entrance and exit are quite narrow but once inside, you have plenty of space to move and explore the surroundings in search of marine animals. Different crustaceans, pipefish, octopus, nudibranchs, lionfish, scorpionfish, angelfish, and pufferfish are some of the creatures you can expect to see here.
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El Nido

El Nido

El Nido
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